Wednesday, August 20, 2014

day 5

I told myself 3 days ago that it is time to turn it around.  It is time to change my situation and time to change my depressive state.  Since February I have been off work and it has been nice to take a much needed mental break.  Taking walks on the beach, hanging out with friends and basically doing what I want.  This kind of life is starting to become very comfortable.  I am sure you all know how honest I am, so I am going to say this and not be embarrassed or feel bad about it in the least.  But if I never work a day in my life again, I would embrace that with my whole, big heart.  You probably also know how much of a dreamer I am.  It is my fantasies and dreams that keep me innocent about life, so keep your reality away from me!  I will live by the sea, in a garden, with birds and flowers and nature all around me.  My little shanty, cottage will have hundreds of light holes.  A house made of old windows.   Vintage windows, so I can see the ocean and feel the salty breeze at any moment.  I will wake up to the love of my life, naturally, no alarms.  I will scuff my feet to the kitchen, where I will ponder what I will have to fill my belly for a good 10 mins, just looking in every cupboard and fridge about 3 or 4 times.  The only decisions I will have to make will be whether I should explore my beachy backyard now or later in the afternoon and whether I will have a beer or ... a beer with my dinner that night.  I will fall asleep with the moon and always rise when the sun reaches my eyes.  A care-free, worry-free, stress-free seaside life.  How wonderful!  But this isn't just a dream, this will be my future.  Do you notice that I used the word "will".  I am the change if I wish to see prosperity in my universe.  You all need to be the change if you wish to see abundance and expansion in your world.  By saying I "will", it is attracting good fortune into your lives, which you all so much deserve.

I have always been one to work hard for my accomplishments and dreams to come true.  This is why I am changing my current direction so that it points to the ocean.  Clearly the best way to do this is by breaking the pattern.  I have been manipulating my thoughts into an absolute stream, because all oceans start as a stream.  This is how I started day 1 of myself guidance, by expressing confident statements out loud.

-I cut the cords that bind me.
-I welcome change in my life.
-My future is full of possibilities.
-My goals are becoming manifest.
-Change in my life is a way for me to learn.
-I live free from struggle and fear.

For any of you going through any type of change or trial, I understand that evolving from a tiny pool into a vast, beautiful, deep ocean can be extensive and disheartening.  But tomorrow you must wake up!  Tackle the obstacles, jump the hump, break the pattern.  You must be the change you wish to see in your universe.  Stick with it, don't give up, don't abandon your happiness for a day of self pity or to the dullness of the blahs.  I believe that with a little bit of concrete, self chatter, you and I can reach a constant state of happiness.

Well it's day 3 and I must say, I am feeling super-excellent.  I am feeling in control, in rhythm and in tune.  I am feeling a purpose once again and I am looking forward to the new joy each moment brings.


  1. Hi Krista...You 're not only an inspiring person to yourself ...but also to someone somwhere on another part of this blue planet ....i'm happy to discover the beautiful moonlight in your words...i say.... go and consume each day and come back with your heartfull of life's own whispers.
    thankyou...a thousand blessings!

    1. I am so truly blessed that you have stumbled upon my blog and that I have touched you in such a way. I appreciate very much you taking the time to read and your kind words.

    2. Krista, its truely wonderful to to be here. Your words dense with fragrances, so visual and spiritual....i feel the quitness alive with joy...which is something the world needs in moments such as we live right now at this very moment.
      May all the poetry that fills you enrich us all.

      i thankyou once again for bringing that which is beautiful within you
      so that ours own
      might awaken....
      and warmly, i receive you friendship as much as i send you mine.

  2. ps: i specially like the brief description of your blog....when you say it to be ...your travelling through ' this luminous and sometimes rough road called the self'...Very beautiful indeed!

    1. Because of you I am smiling. Thank you, thank you so much.

    2. Please add me as a friend on Facebook. Just look to Krista Corcoran. I would love to continue a friendship with you :)
